đź“Ś Tools Dashboard

This post collects all the tools, which might come in handy in the daily work of a software developer. Most tools are just reimplementation of existing tools, which I found too insufficient to use. All tools are written in javascript and/or WebAssembly and don’t require any network connection. Enjoy! Number format converter Text tools Date and timestamps Hash Permute ...

Fair joint account transfer

Income Partner A: Income Partner B: Income Partner A as single with no kids: Income Partner B as single with no kids: Amount of money needed for common expenses: The topic of “who contributes how much” in relationships, where partners live together often times leads to heated arguments. I came up with a formular, that tries to calculate the most fair amount, that each partner has to contribute to a joint banking account, which is used to pay all common expenses. ...

Family Graph Tool

I’ve developed a tool which allows the user to display their family tree. The special thing about this tool: it can have multiple family roots. This means that you could display your whole family tree together with the family tree of your spouse. This makes this a family “graph” rather than a family “tree”, because it has multiple “roots”. You can check out the tool here. ...

Cooking for nerds #1: Pumpkin one pot pasta

I don’t like cooking, but I like good food. I therefore like recipes which are easy to implement. https://breifreibaby.de/kuerbis-one-pot-pasta/ is one of those recipes. Unfortunately, like most recipes, it is written in running text. I will therefore try to simplify this recipe as much as possible and add my own improvements and fixes. Utensils one big cooking pot kitchen scale chopping board plastic gloves for slicing pumpkin bowl for measuring weight of pasta bowl for pumpkin pieces and cut … ...

bye bye social media

I recently deleted all my social media accounts gasp , which were exactly two: facebook and twitter. But why? They consume too much time They provide little or no value for my live I can communicate with the people I care about through other software. Why do we have these messenger apps if we don’t use them? Also I watched this video I now get my tech news through various newsletters (and boy… there are a lot of them) ...