Optimizing my blog

Recently, I optimized my blog for page speed and file size. I did this, because I came across the Mobile Website Speed Testing Tool and my blog did not have 100 points in every category. It wasn’t that bad though. My blog was above the 90 points margin. I still wanted to have 100 points in all categories, so I started optimizing my blog, which took longer than expected. Reading the detailed report After google analyzed my blog, the report told me which party of my blog were not optimized. ...

Possible Frontend Architecture

This post is about how a frontend architecture could look like. The presented architecture is not the only way how to solve the problems in the frontend like loading time, data retrieval, etc. but it can be one possible way. The architecture In the architecture, the “backend” is behind an API-Gateway, which doesn’t really concern us. The task of this API-Gateway is to handle REST-Calls. The four main parts in the frontend are: ...

React-Redux Frontend Architecture

This post is about how we used React in combination with Redux in our project, to create a frontend architecture, in which the code we write is easy to test, maintain and extend. The categories of the architecture We divided the files in our project in seven categories: (Stateless) Components Redux Containers Action Creators Controllers Reducers Selectors APIs How the different categories work together can be seen in the following graphic: ...

The importance of refactoring

Describing refactoring to a non-developer person can be tough. Especially when this person does not understand the implications of the absence of clean code or other code-quality improving techniques. If you try to explain code-quality improving techniques to non-developer persons, you might hear questions like “why haven’t you done it right the first time?”. Even explaining why code-quality matters is really difficult, particularly when money is involved. For a person who is only interested in … ...

Fix bootloader problem with Linux in windows

If you install windows after you installed Linux, the Linux bootloader will be “overwritten”. To fix this, you don’t have to reinstall grub or syslinux or any other bootloader you are using. Just boot into windows, figure out on which partition the bootloader is and set the active partition flag on this partition. set the active partition to set the active partition, you simply can use diskpart. Run diskpart: diskpart then navigate to the disk, containing the Linux partition with the bootloader. ...